Química Masul - Manufacturer of industrial detergents.

Solución Limpieza Desinfección Vehículos Respectful with
the Environment
Solución Limpieza Desinfección Vehículos Automotive Treatment and care of vehicle interiors and exteriors MORE INFORMATION Soluciones de limpieza y desinfección en lavanderías Laundry High range of liquid detergent dispensers MORE INFORMATION Soluciones de limpieza y desinfección en aceituneras Dressings and pickles High performance solutions for the dressing and pickling industry MORE INFORMATION Soluciones de limpieza y desinfección en almanzaras Oil mill Solutions for cleaning and disinfection of oil mills MORE INFORMATION Soluciones de limpieza y desinfección en industria cárnica Meat processing Customized cleaning protocols MORE INFORMATION Soluciones de limpieza y desinfección en industria cervecera Breweries Solutions for tank cleaning and maintenance MORE INFORMATION Soluciones de limpieza y desinfección en la industria láctea Dairy industry Wide range of dairy processing solutions MORE INFORMATION Soluciones de limpieza y desinfección en hostelería HOSTELERÍA Coordinados y Adaptados al Sector y sus Particularidades MÁS INFORMACIÓN Soluciones de limpieza y desinfección en panificadoras PANIFICADORAS Amplia gama de soluciones para panaderías industriales MÁS INFORMACIÓN Soluciones Detergentes Químicos Industrias SECTORES DE ACTUACIÓN Amplia gama de soluciones para la mayoría de sectores industriales MÁS INFORMACIÓN

Industrial Detergents Manufacturer

We are pioneers in providing solutions to different problems in the agri-food sector

Limpieza e higiene de automoción


Quimica Masul has a wide range of solutions for the treatment and care of automotive...

Productos lavandería


Maximum efficiency in a fast, simple, and inexpensive way, with maximum performance...

Productos aderezo de aceituna


Quimica Masul will collaborate in the search for a cleaning and hygiene plan adapted to the...

Productos almanzara


Quimica Masul has developed specific solutions for this food sector. It has...

Productos cárnicos


Cleaning and disinfection processes in the meat processing industry, must avoid the formation of...

Productos cerveceras


The professionalism of our technicians will show you which is the most suitable cleaning system for...

Higiene de productos lácteos


Quimica Masul has a wide range of solutions for the processing of dairy products...

Productos de hostelería


In the hospitality and catering sector it is necessary to clean, disinfect, preserve, and protect...


 Solutions that facilitate the development of tasks in the bakery sector...


More than 20 years of experience


Home From the very beginning of Quimica Masul, we knew that responding to the numerous concerns and needs of the different industries required the development of very good products, the qualification of our salesmen and the constant proposals for improvement of our R&D department. We are not a simple manufacturer of industrial detergents or a simple factory that sells products: before selling, together with the customer's quality department, we analyze the project or come up with the solution suitable for an industry.

The permanent training of our commercial team gives an added value and provides greater security and brilliance to the different proposals in the various industrial sectors. The resulting synergy allows us to expand and be present in more and more facilities, both nationally and internationally. Making their concerns our own has allowed us to be pioneers in providing solutions to different problems in the agri-food sector which, until recently, didn’t receive an adequate technical-professional response.

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